This first post is about a magazine article from Juxtapoz Magazine. It focuses on an 8-Bit art Montage about the olympics. Basically it is an 8-Bit version of the Olympic Games. Here is What they posted.

Admit it, you have a little bit of Olympic fever? We are paying attention far more than expected, and perhaps because London provides a familiar backdrop, we don't mind archery at 3AM anymore. Artists are getting into the spirit, and each Olympics that pass is a new opportunity for the creative community to apply their taste and sensibility to various sports. Flikli has produced a nice 8-bot montage of the Olympics, getting us one step closer to watching Fencing.
5/14/2013 02:35:35 am

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5/14/2013 02:37:06 am



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    My name is totally Not Juan Carlos Bodoque.

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    November 2012

